Electric Cars, Have You wondered how they go? It happens thanks to a special component known as an electric motor. An electric motor is a device which uses electrical energy to produce movement. What is the reason that electric cars do not get a driv...
VIDIEŤ VIACHave you ever heard of something called super magnets? Powerful magnet that can do amazing things! Especially in medicine, they are invaluable. These types of special magnets are made by a company called XINYUAN MAGNET, and are used in many medical m...
VIDIEŤ VIACSuper magnets are extremely powerful magnets that can grip objects very tight. They are special because they assist us in various ways and make things easier and better for us. Super magnets are used in several fields, and if you think you can live y...
VIDIEŤ VIACHello, young readers! Ever have long thought about magnets? Magnets are special things that can pull some metals, such as iron, cobalt, and nickel. This means that these metals can be attracted to magnets. We use them in our day-to-day life renownedl...
VIDIEŤ VIACOrganizing Your KitchenEver face a jam in your kitchen when you can’t find things? With all, the tools and gadgets it can be very difficult to maintain everything high powerful magnet organised and in place. Use magnetic sheets to fix this ...
VIDIEŤ VIACHave you ever played around with a magnet? If you have, you may be wondering where it comes from. Most of the Magnet are made out of specific type of metals which are rare earth metals. These metals are known as "rare" because they are not located al...
VIDIEŤ VIACMagnets are really cool! They are available in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and they can do incredible things. Magnets come strengths, which is why they're suitable different tasks. This article will help us explore different types of magnets; thei...
VIDIEŤ VIACSensors are specialized devices that allow us to detect and perceive changes in our environment. Sensors are everywhere, from cars to factories to smartphones. The XINYUAN MAGNET are vital in our everyday life, allowing us to stay safe and ...
VIDIEŤ VIACDiskové magnety sú extrémne silné a môžu byť nebezpečné, ak sa s nimi nebude zaobchádzať opatrne. Bezpečnosť XINYUAN MAGNET je prvoradá pri práci so silnými okrúhlymi magnetmi. Môžu nám ublížiť, ak do seba zapadnú príliš rýchlo alebo ak porušíme bezpečnostné pravidlá. Ak...
VIDIEŤ VIACKeď premýšľate o magnetoch, možno vás napadnú tie, ktoré sa lepia na vašu chladničku. Často sú farebné a môžu zobrazovať vaše obľúbené obrázky alebo poznámky. Čo však možno neviete je, že magnety sa používajú aj v naozaj veľkých strojoch. Takže majú špeci...
VIDIEŤ VIACNeodymové magnety sú silné magnety, ktoré vám môžu uľahčiť a usporiadať život. Ešte lepšou správou je, že sú vyrobené z neodýmu, čo im dáva tú supersilnú schopnosť. Zadajte XINYUAN MAGNET, spoločnosť, ktorá vytvára tieto ...
VIDIEŤ VIACChceli ste niekedy pochopiť, ako fungujú veci ako generátory, prístroje MRI a slúchadlá? V týchto elektronických zariadeniach sa používajú magnety, ktoré im umožňujú efektívne pracovať! Magnet Pilot: Ale nie všetky magnety sú rovnaké. Neodymový magn...