Strongest magnetic

A magnet is an object that is able to attract certain metals and whose magnetic space extends indefinitely through the works of physical forces — it either pulls turn things toward or pushes them away. There are really strong magnets that can pick up heavy things or fairly weak ones that can only pick up something light. Today in this text we will know about the most powerful magnet in the world. If your ready to uncover some mind blowing truths about Let’s go

A neodymium magnet is the most powerful magnet in the world. Its chemical abbreviation also presents in Neodymium Iron Boron magnet. It is an uncommon type of magnet whose material is made from three critical elements: neodymium, iron and boron. This XINYUAN MAGNET magnetna zaponka za ogrlico one has so much pulling force from a magnet! The larvae is able to lift up to 1,000 times its weight! To get an idea of how powerful that is, it can lift something as heavy as a small car using only the magnet. That’s how strong it is.

The Strongest Magnetic Field on Earth

The Earth actually has its own magnetic field. That magnetic field is what makes compasses work, telling us where we are and how to go in the directions we seek. But, the most powerful magnetic field on Earth does not come from the core of the Earth, but is born around a special type of star known as magnetar A magnetar, on the other hand, is a special type of neutron star that possesses an incredibly powerful magnetic field. In fact, a magnetar's magnetic field is a quadrillion times stronger than the Earth's! That is a huge number, and it proves just how much of a force these stars really are.

Why choose XINYUAN MAGNET Strongest magnetic?

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